Commercial Projects
Matcon Civil’s commercial portfolio covers all aspects of the civil works of commercial development. From remediation of contaminated soils, to bedrock excavation, to the installation of utilities and the construction of roads, walkways and green spaces, Matcon Civil’s project teams of industry experts bring a depth of experience that is unmatched by any other local firm. Our innovative partnerships and joint ventures with local First Nations, specialized suppliers and like-minded civil and environmental firms have helped to establish Matcon Civil as one of the preeminent civil contractors in British Columbia.
Tsawwassen Mills Shopping Centre
Ledcor Group / Tsawwassen First Nation
Contract Value:
Tsawwassen Mills Shopping Centre is one of the first major developments on TFN Lands following the successful negotiation of TFN’s Treaty, and is the first time that Ivanhoé Cambridge has collaborated directly with a First Nation community. Matcon Civil is proud to have been a part of this project team.
Located at Highway 17 and 52nd Street, Tsawwassen Mills includes approximately 111,500 m2 (1.2 million ft2) of retail space, with 16 anchors and a unique mix of premium fashion brands, factory outlets, restaurants and first to market retailers, as well as a 1,100-seat food court. The development will be modelled on the successful CrossIron Mills in the Calgary Region, and Vaughan Mills in the Greater Toronto area.
Matcon Civil, through its joint venture with the Tsawwassen First Nation, managed what was the largest structural preload project in the Lower Mainland during the construction of Tsawwassen Mills Shopping Centre. Our project works include managing the procurement, placement and grading of 2,000,000 metric tons of sand, the installation of underground utilities, road construction and the construction of park-like habitat areas.
As well, we worked closely with TFN, the project’s developer Ivanhoe Cambridge, and the general contractor Ledcor Canada to ensure the delivery of substantive opportunities for First Nation individuals and First Nation-owned businesses during the construction of this exciting project. Matcon Civil’s Opportunity reporting tracked not only staff hours, but procurement dollars and opportunities, and the skills and competencies training and job shadowing opportunities we were able to deliver on.
Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower
Fraser Health Authority / Integrated Team Solutions
Contract Value:
Matcon Civil was the Civil and Shoring subcontractor on Fraser Health’s Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower project. Matcon Civil’s work included demolition of some existing facilities, installation of all storm, sanitary and water services for the new tower, and the parking basement excavation works.
The basement excavation included a 4,000m2 caisson shoring wall, almost 100,000m3 of excavation, detailed footing excavation, and 1,000lm of steel piles. The work was particularly challenging as Matcon Civil was required to work between and immediately adjacent to active hospital buildings that had a maximum allowable settlement of 2mm throughout building envelope area.
The tower was constructed in an area of poor soils that had previously only supported low-rise buildings. Throughout the excavation Matcon Civil’s crews encountered hazardous asbestos cement pipe, abandoned fuel tanks, and several previously unknown services running in various directions. Matcon Civil was able to work with the Prime Contractor and other trades on site to overcome these and other challenges to successfully complete the project within the difficult site constraints.
Klahanie / Murray Street 1000 Unit Residential Community
Polygon / Klahanie Port Moody
Contract Value:
This large, community enhancing project included the reconstruction of a major arterial roadway and required more than 250,000 m3 of site grading and excavation work. Complete with internal road construction and installation of site services, we utilized trenchless pipe technology and cathodic protection of underground piping. Matcon also carried out extensive creek enhancement works, all the while also providing high volume traffic control.
Douglas Road Main Replacement
Metro Vancouver
Contract Value:
Completed in 2010, this multi-phase water main replacement project included the installation of 2,825 lm of 200mm diametre ductile iron water main and 3,110 lm of 1524mm diametre steel pipe, a cast-in-place concrete cross-over chamber, a concrete cast-in-place line valve chamber, flow metres and all associated connections.
FortisBC – Tilbury Plant Expansion
Contract Value:
FortisBC’s expansion of their Tilbury liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility in Delta, BC is intended to meet the long-term projected growth for LNG as a cleaner transportation fuel and an important energy source for communities, industry and the marketplace. This expansion will result in increased LNG supply, creating opportunities for industrial users and remote communities, bringing economic development and new jobs to BC.
Through TMJV, the long-standing joint venture partnership between Tsawwassen First Nation and Matcon Civil, we were contracted by FortisBC to provide a range of heavy civil construction services both on and off the project site. FortisBC’s mandate to engage local First Nation-owned businesses and individuals in their project work furnished us with an excellent opportunity to showcase our capacity for creative solutions, and reaffirm our reputation as leaders in BC’s civil construction industry.
As the project site is located within an established industrial area, and is directly adjacent to the south arm of the Fraser River, coordination with the projects many stakeholders, participants, and neighbors was paramount. The project’s Registered Environmental Professional guided work around nesting and fisheries windows, and our team worked hard to coordinate with both the adjacent local businesses and the other contractors participating in the project. More than 600 people worked on the FortisBC Tilbury LNG Expansion project, including 100 local businesses from 10 lower mainland communities, which provided 475 on-site local skilled tradespeople who are represented by 10 unions, and brought $10 Million to Delta in goods and services.
Our Off-Site works included roadwork such as the repair and widening of Hopcott Road, the addition of sidewalks and a boulevard, street lighting, hydro/tel/shaw services, installation and management of erosion and sediment control, and installation of the off-site cathodic Protection. We also upgraded the stormwater management system, sanitary sewer system, and waterworks, tying into the adjacent existing Corporation of Delta and privately owned infrastructure, including the drainage system that connects to the Tilbury Slough.
While our On-Site works included the installation of erosion and sediment control, the stormwater system, sanitary sewer, Fire Line, and waterworks, as well as construction of the access road to the substation, and the installation of the on-site cathodic protection.
Wellpoint dewatering was utilized to overcome Delta’s high water table during the installation of both the water main and the fire suppression line, while the fire line itself, along with the restraints and fittings were field-tested against the extremely high pressures necessary for the facilities operations.
TMJV also participated in FortisBC’s reporting processes for Indigenous and other under-represented workers, leveraging our internal Employment Retention and Advancement and Work Experience Program for First Nation Youth programs, as well as our solid working relationships with local First Nations and First Nation individuals.